How to become a prompt master in the age of AI?

Andrea Volpini, Co-founder & CEO ● Aug 27th, 2024

Join Oleg Sadikov at the Davico Breakfast Bar as he chats with Andrea Volpini, CEO and co-founder of WordLift and insideout10. Andrea is a deep thinker in the world of AI, and the conversation covers a lot of ground. They discuss the evolution of AI from symbolic AI to deep learning, the limitations of prompting, and the emerging era of abduction in AI. If you're an entrepreneur looking to understand how AI can benefit your business, this episode is a must-listen!

Episode highlights:

  • The progress from early AI models to current AI prompting techniques

  • Future directions and potential of AI prompting in various industries

  • Integration of symbolic AI with deep learning techniques

  • Emphasizing data management and strategic planning

  • Practical tips for leveraging AI effectively

  • Incorporating AI into business strategies

  • Pros and cons of outsourcing IT functions

  • Best practices for businesses considering IT outsourcing

Join the Devico Breakfast Bar for compelling discussions led by a seasoned industry expert who generously shares a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience.

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