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October 03, 2024 - by Devico Team

DevOps-as-a-Service: Why you should consider DevOps outsourcing

Do you want to optimize costs, boost productivity, and keep your business competitive? One of the ways to do this is to turn to DevOps-as-a-service. This is a trendy operating model used by nearly 60% of companies globally.

It involves improving the communication between departments and implementing automation tools. By doing this, it is possible to upgrade the quality of a product, cut spending, shorten time to market, accelerate updates, become more adaptable to market changes, and gain many other advantages.

Many organizations are eager to implement this model but don't want to spend time, budget, and other resources to build an in-house team. A good outsourcing IT company that offers DevOps as a service (DaaS) can come to their rescue.

By ordering managed DevOps services from an external team, you can get all the benefits of the new methodology without experiencing all the complexities of building an appropriate internal team from scratch. If you want to learn more about this, keep reading this article and find out the details about DevOps outsourcing.

DaaS advantages: Getting the perks of DevOps without the challenges of building a team

More and more companies are favoring this pattern of operation. This is confirmed by the statistics, according to which the global DevOps market was assessed at 10.5 billion dollars as of 2023.

Many organizations prefer ordering services from external IT companies to building their own teams from scratch. So why is this methodology and its outsourcing so popular worldwide? Here are 12 benefits of DaaS to answer this question.

Benefits of DevOps as a Service

Greater productivity and faster time to market

This methodology involves advanced communication between development and operations departments. It also provides for the implementation of tools to automate the workflow steps that code undergoes from the moment it has been completed by an engineer to its full release to production.

These techniques can help to optimize processes, raise development productivity, and accelerate time to market by an average of 21%. And if you prefer outsourcing to building an internal team, you can get even greater acceleration, since you do not have to waste time on talent acquisition, employee adaptation, and staff training.

Many successful market leaders have already experienced the benefits of this operating pattern in terms of speeding up their work. For example, here is one of the cases. HP, a world-renowned company that manufactures computers and printers has encountered such problems as:

  • spending too much time on integration and testing;

  • poor communication between employees;

  • late detection and fixing of bugs.

Introducing a new culture and development methodology helped to solve these problems. The company has improved interaction between employees from different teams and from different offices around the world by implementing a DevOps culture.

The organization has also introduced some useful tools, such as test automation and continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. It made identifying and fixing bugs much faster, which has improved the quality of work. It also made the code integration process quicker and not so tedious.

Higher product quality

This functioning model is based on improved cross-team communication. Advanced interaction between developers and operations managers allows for maximum customization of the product to the interests and needs of the target audience, avoiding misunderstandings and related quality flaws.

This is proven by statistics from many sources. For instance, the results of the Broadcom study state that 87% of organizations that actively and correctly use this methodology see significant improvement in customer experience. This opens the way to higher client loyalty and retention, and, consequently, to more vivid business growth.

By ordering DaaS services, you can improve the quality of your products without building a new team, which would take tons of time, effort, and money.


By incorporating this methodology into your workflow, you can become more agile and adaptable to changing market conditions. By automating some tasks, this model allows you to make updates to existing products much faster, and to bring new ideas to life rapidly, reducing the time-to-market for new developments. Statistics by Gitnux state that in some cases, it is possible to reach a reduction of time to market by an impressive 200%.

Ordering services from an outsourced IT company makes this advantage even more pronounced. Thanks to the fact that you get an experienced ready-made team at your disposal whenever you need without spending time and budget on recruiting, adapting, and training new employees, you gain even more flexibility.

5 red flags: When DevOps might not be a good fit

High DevOps expertise

Finding highly qualified and experienced DevOps specialists can take up a lot of monetary and time resources. Training existing staff on the new working model also requires the allocation of significant budget and time.

On the other hand, when ordering DaaS, a company immediately gets professionals who have extensive expertise in this model of work. When resorting to a good outsourcing company, you can be sure that the members of the external team already have years of experience and many successful cases under their belt.

High qualifications of outsourcing specialists allow them to achieve the set results and successfully complete even the most complicated tasks. All with no delays and no extra costs!

Diverse skills

A successful IT outsourcing company usually has a wide range of professionals with varied qualifications. Different team members are tailored to perform varied tasks, depending on their skills and experience.

This is especially important for businesses that need to order a small amount of services. Sometimes an organization needs to perform some important tasks on a one-time basis. You should agree that it is not profitable either financially or time-wise to search for and hire employees for a single little project every time.

In such a case, it is better and easier to turn to an outsourcing IT company, which will easily select an employee with the appropriate qualifications from its team to perform a certain amount of tasks. If the outsourcing company has a variety of specialists, this will not be difficult.

DevOps Engineer Technical Skills

The best tools and practices

If you don't have time and extra budget to experiment with different DevOps practices and automation tools, ordering DaaS may be the perfect solution. A good outsourcing team usually already has a set of the best strategies and methods to accomplish goals. For instance, Devico has such tools as Asana, Git, Code Climate, Split, Buddybuild, Google Cloud Platform, Bugsnag, SalesForce, and plenty of others in the arsenal.

In addition, thanks to multiple years of successful practice, they already know for which goals and situations certain tools are suitable and how to apply them correctly to achieve the best results.

Reliable DevOps infrastructure and processes

Setting up the infrastructure and the right processes from scratch is a long and time-consuming process, requiring high expertise that may not exist within the organization. On the other hand, an outsourcing company that has tons of relevant experience already has an established infrastructure and processes in place.

This makes the development process more reliable and safer. It also allows specialists to start working on your project immediately without wasting time on preparation.

Reliable DevOps infrastructure and processes


The DevOps operating model itself reduces IT costs by streamlining and automating processes. Outsourcing development according to this methodology allows you to save even more.

When you turn to external professionals, you don’t have to spend your budget on:

  • talent sourcing;

  • adaptation of new employees;

  • staff training;

  • constant salaries for new internal employees;

  • setting up infrastructure;

  • implementing new technologies, etc.

All this allows you to achieve significant savings without compromising on quality, but, on the contrary, getting high-level work from experienced professionals.

Saving time

In today's highly competitive environment, time is often even more valuable than money. This is especially true for startups that need to bring new ideas to life as quickly as possible. Even for large companies, it is vital to adapt swiftly to market conditions in order not to fall behind competitors and not to lose their success.

Ordering DaaS allows you to get a significant competitive advantage by accelerating the processes of developing new products and updating the existing ones. When you turn to external specialists, you don't waste time building your own team, as well as preparing and setting up the necessary infrastructure, processes, and technologies.

Additionally, an outsourced team that works according to the DevOps model accomplishes tasks much faster than one that follows traditional methodologies. This is achieved through better communication and automation of some processes.


When you cooperate with an outsourced IT company, only you determine the scope of services you order and the number of employees involved. This means that you can adjust the budget for product development and updates yourself. The Statista survey shows that 79% of respondents believe DevOps to be important for scaling software development.

In addition, it is always possible to increase the volume of services ordered without extra time spent on finding new in-house employees. This contributes significantly to your flexibility and the continued growth and improvement of your business.


An experienced outsourcing IT company has specialists with high expertise in security. This allows them to build robust infrastructures and write code that is minimally vulnerable to hacker attacks and data breaches. When ordering DaaS from such a company, you can be assured of reliable security measures and not have to worry about protecting your organization's important data. According to Gitnux research, 78% of companies that have firmly rooted DevOps in their processes are seeing significant improvements in their security.

Compliance adherence

Compliance with laws and regulations is crucial for any business, especially for fintech and healthcare organizations. Highly qualified professionals who provide DevOps as a service, have strong expertise and experience in compliance adherence. So, you won't have to hire separate regulatory compliance specialists, and you can be sure that your company is not likely to face legal issues.

How to avail of DaaS: The reasons to choose Devico

By cooperating with the experienced professionals from Devico, you can get all the above-mentioned benefits, such as:

  • developing the product of the finest quality;

  • the opportunity to stay flexible;

  • top expertise in the DevOps principles and techniques;

  • diverse skills that allow coping with any task maximally efficiently;

  • choosing and setting the most suitable tools and practices;

  • applying reliable infrastructure and processes;

  • reducing spending associated with in-house DevOps implementation;

  • saving time and gaining a competitive advantage in the market;

  • keeping your business scalable and ever-growing without investing extra time and effort;

  • being sure of the reliable security measures used;

  • strict compliance adherence.

In addition to their high expertise and diverse skills, seasoned Devico engineers use the following practices and technologies to ensure you get the listed advantages.

Technologies and practices used by Devico specialists
What we use
For what

CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery)

It ensures faster time to market, greater agility, and some cost reduction thanks to integration and delivery process automation.

Performance monitoring tools

It helps reach maximum productivity to develop the product of the best quality within the set deadlines.

Infrastructure as code

It gives an opportunity to set up a reliable and secure infrastructure shortly and contributes to scalability and flexibility.


This practice of deeply integrating security measures in all the IT services provided by the company ensures eliminating vulnerability.

And that's not all the benefits that accrue to organizations that seek services from Devico. Our experts also provide:

  • Highly customized services. We individually match professionals with the right skills and tailor a set of tools and practices that make the ideal fit to achieve your goals.

  • Constant support. We don’t abandon our clients after completing the main set of tasks. You can resort to our professionals again at any time for troubleshooting and issue resolution, performance optimization, or security updates. Also, our support specialists are available 24/7 to answer immediate questions.

Contact us to get a professional DevOps consultation and learn more about our DaaS packages!

Final thoughts

Outsourcing DevOps opens up multiple advantages, the main ones being:

  • cost reduction;

  • saving time;

  • boosting productivity;

  • getting highly flexible and scalable.

It is crucial to choose true professionals with vast experience in this methodology. Only specialists with high expertise and lots of successful cases can give you the best issue-free results. Devico team uses a customized approach to every client, advanced technologies, and best practices to ensure:

  • high productivity;

  • fast time-to-market;

  • impeccable security measures and compliance adherence.

Discover and enjoy all the benefits of DaaS with Devico!

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