Online booking and marketing software


To provide tour providers and resellers of all sizes with an enterprise-caliber business tool that will let them quickly grow while offering an outstanding experience to their customers.

Our client

Established in 2011, Xola is focused on its mission to fill a distribution gap between tour operators and resellers and provide them with great growth opportunities. Its powerful platform streamlines all related business activities. With its help, it is much easier to run a business and provide customers with top-notch services.


Entertainment, tourism

Services provided

Dedicated QA team, dedicated software development team

Tech stack

TypeScript, React, React-Query, Zustand, Immer, Formik, Yup, Tailwind CSS, and various React-related libraries


Engineers: Developers, QA

USA, India


Since 2021


Learn how we help

About the project

Xola is a cloud-based, mobile-friendly platform using which activity and tour operators can effortlessly manage bookings, payments, resources, marketing activities, customers, agents, etc. In essence, the platform offers a rich suite of helpful tools that help companies run a business efficiently at any stage of their growth.

Our engagement

Our front-end developers joined the Xola team to help it build a React-based UI. They have worked on all parts of the Xola platform – back office, checkout, traveler, and admin panel.

Back office

Is a full-fledged app enabling sellers to create and manage products, arrange schedules, set prices and service fees, manage resources and customers, manage purchases, change platform settings, and add extra tools like Google Analytics, Facebook pixel tracking, MailChimp, Zoom, etc.


Is an app embedded into a reseller’s website so that their clients can purchase tours and activities right on their website. In fact, Checkout represents a copy of a purchase flow in the Back office.


Is an app for end consumers who buy tours or activities. It provides detailed data on offered tours/activities as well as the ability to book, buy, cancel, reschedule, or refund them. An in-built chat gives an opportunity to ask a seller additional questions.

Admin panel

Is an app used by Xola developers that lets them create and manage seller accounts, add different functionalities and plugins with regard to a seller’s subscription plan, and generate invoices. Besides, using the admin panel developers can get into a seller account in order to solve a problem and provide support.

Client success

With the help of Devico, Xola is known as a powerful and extremely easy-to-use online booking platform that saves tour operators and resellers a substantial amount of time, directly improves client satisfaction, and accelerates business growth.

The number of Xola’s clients is continuously growing, and its high ratings across such platforms as G2, Getapp, Capterra, Softwareadvice, and Trustradius prove its efficiency and convenience. In these terms, it is also worth mentioning that the company has experienced 500% growth over the last two years and it is not going to stop anytime soon.

Czech Republic

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