Cloud-based platform for constructible designs in the construction industry


Create. Automate. Collaborate.

Our client

Vitus is a Danish company that has a mission to make work on construction projects easier and more efficient by bringing all players across all disciplines together and making digital building information more accessible and understandable.




Front-end development

Tech stack

React, Redux, Redux-Saga, TypeScript, Autodesk platform, Node.js, and a great number of additional libraries





Since 2019


Learn how we help

About the project

Vitus is a cloud-based constructability and construction intelligence platform that connects on-site, off-site, and management personnel of construction companies and helps to create a common understanding of the project information from the early planning and pre-construction phases of a project.

The platform provides real-time constructability insights and connected data and is used throughout a project lifecycle to review, visualize, coordinate, share, and manage a project content, while smoothly integrating with the tools and solutions that a company has already employed. Vitus supports key industry-standard formats including .ifc, .nwd, .rvt, .pdf, .3dm, 3D dwg, .dgn, and .stp.
In a nutshell, the platform enables information creation, review, automation, collaboration, and process management.

Our engagement

The project development was in full swing and our front-end developers seamlessly integrated with the in-house team to tackle ongoing front-end development tasks like implementation of new functionality, creation of view extensions, bug fixing, etc. The whole logic and functionality of the app were related to the conversational interaction with 2D files and 3D models or directly with the data of these models.

A solid focus was placed on optimizing the app's performance, the substantial data it needed to process. Despite facing several challenges, our specialists effectively addressed them.

Key Challenges

A flawless responsiveness of a viewer responsible for 3D models

Handling 3D models suggests processing high volumes of data for display, summarization, and others. Since JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language, it lacks native support for process parallelization. As a result, any significant actions on data can block processes.


To enhance user experience and eliminate app lag and freezing, we made the strategic decision to transfer all resource-intensive operations to workers.

Long property and data lists

The project necessitated the efficient handling and presentation of extensive property and data lists.


Since project requirements didn’t let us use pagination, we decided to proceed with list virtualization.

Custom data display

One of the key functionalities of the app is displaying custom data for any number of models with the help of different charts and tables. This implies working with a substantial volume of data.


To ensure high performance, we leveraged diverse data manipulation methods and algorithms as well as optimized the codebase.

By successfully overcoming these challenges, we not only ensured the app's robust functionality but also significantly improved its performance.

Client success

The Vitus platform has proved itself as a powerful modern solution revolutionizing the construction industry. It empowers non-BIM professionals, provides efficient personnel and project management, ensures sustainable workflow, and facilitates an intelligent and seamless constructability process. Today Vitus is a choice of numerous Danish and European construction companies including Munck, Femern A/S, ULTRA, VINCI, COWI, and others.

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