Employee wellness platform


Healthy companies perform better

Our client

GoodShape has been contributing to the field of workforce well-being and organizational performance since 2004. Its team comprises seasoned healthcare professionals, technology experts, and accomplished business leaders.

The key mission of the company is to help its clients – large, complex organizations – improve employee health and perform better. It works with over 200 top-tier employers across the UK.
GoodShape takes pride in having the UK’s most extensive database of insights into work, illness, and health that can predict future trends with remarkable precision and help companies with resource planning.



Services provided

Software development, automated software testing, staff augmentation

Tech stack

Front-end: React, Redux, Redux-Saga, AG Grid, react-jsonschema-form

Back-end: Java 17, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring AOP, Hibernate, Microsoft SQL Server, RabbitMQ, Keycloak, AWS SQS, JUnit, Mockito, Microservices, Git, Ant Design, Maven, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible





Since 2018


Learn how we help

About the project

GoodShape provides a comprehensive platform that addresses multiple facets simultaneously, including employee absence management, employee health, and advanced analytics.

Within this platform, employees can effortlessly log their absences, get round-the-clock advice and guidance from NMC-registered nurses, and promptly receive referrals to essential support services.

For HR managers, this platform streamlines the management of employee absences, significantly reducing administrative burdens.

Furthermore, the GoodShape platform offers robust analytics capabilities that empower companies to make informed decisions regarding workforce planning and potential employee well-being concerns.

Our engagement

The client approached us when their product had been in production for about 15 years. The company aimed to continue evolving, but outdated technologies were hindering their growth opportunities. The existing monolith architecture had nearly reached its peak performance and scalability was becoming impossible.

Additionally, concerns arose regarding fall-over protection. The solution was clear: shift to a microservices architecture to address these issues, fix existing bugs, and enable continuous addition of new functionality. Our backend developer joined their team to assist in this transformative journey.

Backend development challenges:

  • Absence of project documentation;
  • Extensive legacy codebase written by different developers at different times without following common coding standards;
  • Obsolete tech stack.


Our developer played an active role in the tech stack revision and conducted thorough research to assist the team in selecting the most suitable technologies. He also put a lot of effort into code refactoring and standardization.

A few hundreds of bugs were fixed and thousands of code smells were eliminated with the help of a static code analyzer. Additionally, our developer took the initiative to introduce proper documentation practices. As a result, a technical design is now written before the implementation of large-scale functionalities.

Furthermore, our backend expert developed several features that not only expanded the platform's capabilities but also optimized internal workflows.

For instance, automated reporting was introduced, replacing the manual work of several employees who previously created individual 50-slide PowerPoint presentations for each client.

In addition to these contributions, our developer created a microservice for push notification delivery and another microservice that collects data from users' fitness trackers for further in-depth analysis.

Currently, the platform supports 16 different fitness tracker brands.

Now let’s move to our achievements in frontend development. Devico’s frontend expert also joined the project to help revamp a client application. His primary focus was on enhancing the UI/UX and introducing new business solutions.

The existing website offered rich analytics and statistics through a multitude of complex charts, diagrams, and tables. However, the main obstacle lay in the project’s outdated technology stack. This led to time- and effort-consuming maintenance and hindered the seamless implementation of new functionality. Consequently, a project team made a strategic decision to refactor the client app completely. This included an update of existing libraries and a website redesign.

Front-end development challenges:

  • Refactor and optimize extensive legacy code while maintaining full business functionality;
  • Create complex charts and diagrams while integrating with Ag-Grid tables;
  • Manage multiple client apps concurrently;
  • Enhance user experience by optimizing large data processing;
  • Implement multi-step forms using React JSON schema.


As of now, the app overhaul is still in progress. Still, we have already updated a significant number of components and pages with regard to the latest standards of the React framework. The rich experience let our developer actively participate in team debates and discuss a new app structure. Thus, the team accepted his offer to divide a frontend project into several subprojects, effectively segregating the business logic. This approach streamlined the development process and optimized project management. Also, the team moved away from the hard-to-maintain “facade” pattern for backend and frontend interaction and completely reconsidered the approach to working with forms by introducing “inline-editing”.

The latter was done in accordance with new business requirements because previously data on a page was represented in the form of usual text blocks and a modal window was used for data editing. Now modal windows are a thing of the past and good-looking forms are used instead of text blocks.

Client success

GoodShape continues to hold leadership in its niche. Hundreds of reputable UK-based organizations of 2000+ employees use its platform including NHS, Philips, and Heathrow Express.

In 2020, GoodShape won GOLD at the ECCCSA Award in the prestigious category of Most Effective Application of Technology, outshining formidable competitors, including Microsoft, which was honored with the Silver award.

We are delighted to support Goodshape on its way to success and continue to put great effort into the revolutionization of its platform.

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