Custom Mobile App Development

In today's increasingly mobile world, it is essential for forward-thinking companies to develop a robust mobile strategy for continued success and to drive revenue. As a result, custom mobile app development services are in high demand. A bespoke mobile application can help optimize various internal processes, significantly improve your online presence, attract and retain more customers, and boost brand awareness.

Whatever your objectives, our custom mobile app development company has the expertise and resources to help you achieve them. Over the years, Devico has gained extensive knowledge and experience in custom mobile app development, enabling us to create advanced mobile solutions that assist businesses in reaching new heights.

Don't let your competitors gain an advantage. Stop hesitating and apply for our custom mobile application development services. Whether you have a startup, an SME, or a large corporation, our custom mobile app development company can provide you with a tailored mobile solution that meets all your needs.

Companies we work with

Trusted by clients from 39 countries. Our global presence enables us to deliver software services 24/7/365 and swiftly adapt to any zone and customer’s requirements

Business Objectives You Can Achieve with a Custom Mobile Application

Robust Security

Custom mobile app development allows you to ensure top-notch security. You can implement all the necessary security measures specific to your business to eliminate potential threats and risks.

High Scalability

Custom mobile apps are designed with scalability in mind. As your business grows, your application will continue to serve an increasing number of users seamlessly.

Complete Control

By building a custom mobile app, you gain total control over every aspect of your application. Your dedicated development team will implement your ideas and update your mobile solution to meet ever-changing market demands.

Competitive Advantage

Compared to off-the-shelf apps, tailor-made mobile solutions provide businesses with the opportunity to stand out and highlight their unique selling points. This is crucial for dominating the market.

Increased Brand Exposure

People worldwide spend a significant amount of time online using various apps. With a custom mobile app, your business can reach customers and prospects wherever they are. Offer a user-friendly, feature-rich, and stylish mobile application to acquire new leads and loyal customers.

Optimized Business Strategies

A custom mobile app allows your business to collect and analyze vast amounts of data to understand customer behavior and preferences. The insights gained enable you to refine your business strategy to better cater to your customers and increase overall efficiency.

Improved Efficiency

Custom mobile app development can significantly streamline your employees' work and help optimize your overall workflow or specific critical business processes.

Customer Loyalty

A custom mobile app is an excellent way to keep your customers engaged. You can offer an exceptional experience, continuously remind your customers about your business, and inform them about important news, sales, and promotional campaigns.

Robust Security

Custom mobile app development allows you to ensure top-notch security. You can implement all the necessary security measures specific to your business to eliminate potential threats and risks.

Our Key Services

Mobile App Design

At Devico, we understand that design is not just about appearance but also about ensuring the best user experience. We create intuitive, sleek, and visually appealing mobile app designs that captivate users and keep them engaged.

Mobile App Testing

Despite having top-notch developers, we don't overlook testing. It is a crucial phase of our mobile app development process. Our professional QA engineers develop an efficient testing strategy and execute a comprehensive set of tests to ensure your app works as expected.

Mobile App Maintenance

After launching an application, we continue to support your business. Our specialists provide ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure your app runs smoothly, maintains high performance, and stays relevant.

Select customized services

We have you covered with our high-quality expertise for your business.

Types of Apps We Develop

Devico specializes in developing a diverse range of apps to meet our clients' needs and ensure their satisfaction. Here are the main types of apps we create:

iOS-based Applications

If your business targets an iOS audience, we can provide outstanding iOS development services. Our seasoned experts build unparalleled, feature-rich, and secure applications that run smoothly across all Apple mobile devices.

Android-based Applications

We also create innovative, robust, and impressive native mobile apps for Android that meet our clients' needs. If you require an Android-based app, don't hesitate to reach out.

Cross-platform Applications

For a quick and budget-friendly solution targeting both platforms, consider cross-platform mobile application development. We use React Native, Flutter, Ionic, and Xamarin frameworks to develop high-performance, multi-functional, and reliable cross-platform mobile apps that offer a native-like experience.

Progressive Web Applications

Our team specializes in PWA development as a cost-effective alternative to native mobile app development. We build PWAs that provide a native-like experience, fast data exchange, and smooth performance regardless of connection quality.

Enterprise Mobile App Development

An enterprise mobile app is a reliable way to optimize internal processes, enhance employee efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage. We leverage cutting-edge technology to create highly secure and robust enterprise mobile applications with unparalleled user experience.

Benefits of Custom Mobile Application Development with Devico

Expert Mobile App Developers

At Devico, our team consists of top-notch mobile app developers. Our thorough hiring process allows us to find highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in developing mobile apps across various industry verticals.

Clear Communication

Our team maintains open communication through email, phone, and video calls during the app development process. You can reach out to us at any point, and the team will promptly address your concerns and answer your questions.

Effective Collaboration

We work closely with our clients to determine the most efficient course of action and the best approach for developing your custom mobile application. We carefully analyze your business needs and app requirements.

Intellectual Property Protection

Upon completion of a custom mobile application, all proprietary code and intellectual property rights are transferred directly to you as the exclusive owner.

Time-Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

We strive to make our custom application development services as cost-effective and time-efficient as possible. We achieve this by applying the most suitable and efficient approaches and technologies. The majority of our projects have been delivered within the agreed timeframe and budget.

Scalable and Future-Proof Applications

We design every mobile application with the expectation of increasing popularity and downloads. This ensures that your app can easily accommodate a growing user base and increased traffic.

Strong Security

We implement robust security protocols and adhere to industry-specific regulations and standards to protect your users' confidential data securely.


Our team approaches each project with dedication and attention to detail, and we obsess about your success. In every case, we aim to deliver the best possible solution, attending to every detail, no matter how small.

What our customers say

Live Event Management Software for Modern Event Organizers

Having had bad experiences in the past, I was most impressed by the communication of the engineers and the Devico management. They were great partners and worked well to help us achieve our project goals. They provided flexibility when needed and helped us keep our project on schedule.

Threat hunting is no longer an art. It's a SCIENCE.

I was completely satisfied. They were very flexible and adaptive to our changing needs. I find them responsible and quick to deliver. I can't identify any areas of improvement.

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Custom Mobile Solutions We Develop

Bespoke Mobile Apps

Our talented team excels in building custom mobile applications for startups, SMEs, and large corporations. Using the latest technologies, we create top-tier mobile solutions that help our clients achieve their business goals and maintain a competitive edge.

Wearable Apps

We develop wearable apps for smartwatches, medical devices, fitness trackers, and more, enabling users to collect and manage valuable data.

IoT Mobile Apps

IoT mobile app development is also within our expertise. The solutions we build effectively manage smart device networks and provide user-friendly dashboards and reports that visualize data in an easy-to-understand manner.

AR and VR Mobile Apps

Our well-rounded mobile development experts create applications using advanced technologies. Our AR and VR mobile solutions offer an immersive and engaging experience.

Cloud-Based Apps

We also develop cloud-based mobile apps featuring specific cloud infrastructure, extensive scalability, local data caching capabilities, and more.

Our Stages of Custom Mobile App Development

Step 1


At this stage, our specialists get acquainted with your idea, needs, and available project documentation. This knowledge helps them to craft a comprehensive vision of a product, make a rough estimation in terms of the required time and resources, and make up a web app development roadmap

Step 2


The team identifies the most appropriate tech stack, defines software architecture, and uncovers possible risks along with the ways of their mitigation

Step 3


To create designs that your audience will adore we take into account multiple factors like simplicity, intuitiveness, aesthetics, mobile responsiveness, and many more. Your business needs are also within our focus, therefore created designs are SEO-friendly, represent your brand identity, and translate your messages to a target audience

Step 4


As a rule, we apply the Scrum development methodology suggesting iterative product development. This approach helps to establish a resource-effective and time-efficient workflow

Step 5

Quality Assurance

A comprehensive set of manual and automated tests is performed to check your tailor-made web app inside out and make sure that every single component works as intended

Step 6


Your web application is launched and all the required infrastructure is set up

Step 7


Our web development consultants are available to you for any further modernization, maintenance, updates, or consultation

Technology stack

We are proudly technology agnostic and use the most appropriate technology for the task at hand

  • All

  • Backend

  • Frontend

  • Databases

  • DevOps

  • Clouds

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Cross-platform















Frequently Asked Questions

If you decide to build a fully tailored mobile app, consider the following steps:

  • Clearly define your goals;

  • Design a well-thought-out concept;

  • Allocate a suitable budget with some buffer;

  • Engage a reliable custom application development service provider like Devico.

The choice of technologies depends on the type of mobile application you want to create. Different tech stacks are used for the development of Android-based apps, iOS-based apps, and hybrid apps.

The platform choice largely depends on your target audience's preferences. If your audience uses both iOS and Android devices, you might consider creating a cross-platform app. However, if your app requires extensive use of built-in mobile device functionalities, it is better to create two separate native apps.

Although custom mobile app development may require higher investments, it offers numerous benefits. A custom app is developed in complete alignment with your business's needs, challenges, and unique features.

Czech Republic

With a pan European talent pool, Devico brings together the continents best talent and makes them available for you

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